martes, mayo 15, 2007

Some final southern words . . . before leaving for the North.

I went to visit a friend yesterday. We sat in her garden for hours, talking about the good ole days and the good new days, and also the not-so-good new days. We sat outside sipping iced tea as the sun warmed our backs and the breeze kept us supremely comfortable. We saw several bright butterflies in the weeping willows. It was truly one of the very best afternoons I can recall. I went home that night to look for a certain hymn that I thought she would enjoy, and found that my old hymn book is a great and concise theological book. I read and copied the hymn, "Prayer is the Soul's Sincere Desire." Amazing words, practical doctrine, and a vivid reminder of the great priviledge we Christians have to stand before God in prayer.
As a final exhortation before I head for the North Pole, I would encourage you all to take a good look through the hymnal at your church. I'm sure you'll find unexpected treasure.

3 comentarios:

Ebeth dijo...

Take some pictures as you travel, please.

Tony Kevin dijo...

Reading through the hymnals at my church is a hobby of mine...

Hope to see you soon! :)

wagamama dijo...

Treasure yes, but not uneexpected. :o) Have a blast on your road trip! I expect a full report when you get back.