jueves, julio 05, 2012

Friendship Stories #4

You remember Polly Wog? It was at her bridal shower that I met K2. I was outgoing at the shower, in my best comedic form. That was when K2 introduced herself to me, saying, "Where have you been all my life?" A lasting friendship was born on the basis of that question. Do you have any memorable lines that began a lasting friendship?

2 comentarios:

When a Picture Just Isn't Enough dijo...

Kim, "You sure talk a lot, don't you?" :-P

The Resident Writer dijo...

What was that? Did Kim say that to me? I can't deny the truth of it, but I don't recall her saying it. Or did she say it to YOU?? In that case, I would just say, "Go Tell it on the Mountain!"