First of all, I am no seminarian or pastor. I am simply a Christian woman who loves the
e Bible and appreciates good Bible teaching. I have been a member of Grace Community Church for almost 30 years. I became a Christian under the teaching of Dr. MacArthur and other staff pastors at Grace. I met my husband at Grace. Many sweet people at Grace prayed for us when we decided to adopt, and they rejoiced with us when we brought our son home. I rarely miss a Sunday. I love the church universal, and I especially love Grace Community. Grace has been a huge part of my life, ministering to me and nourishing my soul, and Grace has also given me many, many opportunities to minister to others throughout the years. So I cannot claim to be unbiased; after all, if I didn't respect and appreciate Dr. MacArthur and his church, I wouldn't still be there. Obviously, then, I do respect and appreciate Dr. MacArthur. My mom once described me as "fiercely loyal", which is true, but I truly believe Dr. MacArthur is right in what he is doing. I think he is courageously taking a stand for the truth, as he has done so many times. This is not just my loyalty speaking. The situation right now, the polarization of those who stand with John and support him, and those who think he is doing the wrong thing, reminds me of Christ's suffering and the false accusations brought against Him, and Peter's simultaneous denial of Him, of ever knowing Him or being associated with Him. I am also reminded of the ministry of Paul, and how relational his life and ministry was. Throughout his epistles, he makes many references to both people who deserted him and people who were not ashamed of him or of his chains when he was imprisoned and beaten following preaching the Gospel. I also recall that many times in his legal wranglings, Paul did not hesitate to assert his rights as a Roman citizen.My bottom line is that I stand with John MacArthur. I appreciate his courage and leadership, and I am not ashamed to proclaim my support of Dr. MacArthur and Grace Community Church.
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