sábado, abril 25, 2020

Living in the World Winsomely

It is true that some Christians seem to live in a Christian bubble, with their Christian friends and family, and only listen to Christian music and watch Christian films.  I am not like that, and I don't pretend to be.  I like things and people that make me laugh-Christian or not.  Like all Christians, there was a time when I wasn't a Christian, and I enjoyed the popular music, books, and TV of those days; I still do.  I enjoyed writing funny stories before I was a Christian; that hasn't changed.  I still enjoy cranking up the volume and listening to Weird Al and Run DMC.  I think, as Christians, it is important to be relatable in this way.  I can easily make-and genuinely enjoy-a friendship with someone else who enjoys humorous essays as much as I do, whether or not they are a Christian; and if they're not, that gives me an opportunity to show genuine love, and maybe even share the good news of Christ.  I think that it is important for Christians to have interests outside of our Christian activity.  We are called to be winsome in the world, to let our lights shine, and to be salt of the earth.  We need to be approachable, and to be relatable to others.

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