sábado, julio 11, 2020

A Blog is (Re)born

This group makes me so conflicted . . . I love seeing peoples' bikes, but I find myself growing envious; which is ridiculous, given that I have my own hot pink beauty sitting on the front porch. I almost have to sit on my hands to keep from buying some pretty Townie, but that is pretty much impossible when you need to use your hands for scrolling. I find the group inspiring in a couple not-so-obvious ways: one is that I am inspired once again to write. I have been a little busy raising a one-year-old boy this past year, so my pen and paper (or my keyboard and computer) have been much neglected. Also, I saw that someone bought a lovely garden flag that says, " Life is a Beautiful Ride." That is so true, literally, as it is always fun and exhilarating to ride a bike (especially a bike that has its own Facebook fan page!), and life is also an exhilarating and unpredictable emotional ride with blind curves and crazy hills and valleys. I think this especially when looking over the past year, when my husband and I adopted a baby boy after 23 years of marriage. Indeed, life truly is a beautiful ride. I have a bike on the porch, and a baby in his crib to attest to the truth of that statement.
I posted this in a group dedicated to this particular brand of bike. I think I will give a second birth, so to speak, to my blog. I really liked the feel of writing again.

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