miércoles, enero 07, 2009

A Matter of Priorities

I felt awful when I had to rescind my offer to drive my friend to her next few chemotherapy appointments. My condition, when the effects flare up, makes driving impossible. And the last few days my health has been very on-and-off. I never know when a bad flare up is going to happen. I feel pretty useless, not being able to commit in advance to doing things to help others. Some days, like yesterday, the shaking had stopped when I awoke from a nap, so I quickly put on my walking shoes and took Rufus for a walk. The shaking started back up two minutes after we got home. So it really is a matter of priorities, choosing what one task is most important that day, knowing that I may only be able to do one.

3 comentarios:

Cherie dijo...

I can only imagine how frustrating this must be for you. I'm sorry you have this trial to go through.
You are in my prayers!

Kristin Casebolt dijo...

Sorry Jen , you had a hard day yesterday. I can understand alot of the feeling you're going through. I sure hope it stops soon.

David Cho dijo...

Jen, thank you for sharing this with us. It certainly puts life into perspective. Hang in there.