viernes, enero 09, 2009

On My Way to Technology Geekdom

As I watched the YouTube video (on our television) of Steve Ballmer of Microsoft making the keynote address for the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, I was fascinated! He spoke of some metaphorical technological "cloud" integrating the three screens so prevalent in our lives-the TV screen, the computer screen, and the mobile device screen. I've always considered myself more of a dancing on the beach, making granola and hiking type person, but as I watched and thought about the speech and thought about the technology in my life, I began to realize what kind of a person I really am. I would still dance on the beach if someone took me, and make granola if someone taught me how, and I do love to hike, but after I did any of these things, I would write about it on my blog. There are days when I cannot venture out into the world due to sickness, so my blog is my mainline, my connection, to the outside world. And not only to my friends; I can connect with people I don't know through my blog. It is amazing to me how quickly and thoroughly technology has invaded, and in many instances, taken over, my life.

4 comentarios:

David Cho dijo...

Despite all the great things technology has done, we geeks and nerds are still marginalized.

Ebeth dijo...

Or in my case, I have to discipline myself to turn tech [high] off and use tech [low] while--gasp--getting things done around here. Tech a good servant a bad master.

Cherie dijo...

is Geekdom a word?

The Resident Writer dijo...

Yes. Absolutely. Why? Because I said so.

I claim poetic license.