domingo, enero 11, 2009

Thoughts Brought on by a Beautiful Day

I sat outside in my new backyard, with the sun on my back and a cool breeze sweeping across my body. I was super comfortable and extremely content, sitting there reading about Virginia Woolf's thoughts on women and history and education and money. I am reading this book, A Room of One's Own, collected essays on the topic of women and fiction. Virginia Woolf writes a lot about the necessity of the writer to have money, and I thought how true that is for any profession or hobby. I thought about all the life-and-death scenarios that could have a completely different outcome depending on available money; for instance, all the homeless people who die from exposure due to the lack of money to pay for some shelter. And on this, for me, beautiful and comfortable morning, some of my closest friends are suffering greatly. How can the same day be received so differently by people? What can I do about that? Not too much, not as much as I'd like to, but I can do a little. I'm still thinking . . .

5 comentarios:

NEB dijo...

Not to derail such a nice post, but...

It occurs to me you could improve my day by giving me some of that money you're talking about.

Cherie dijo...

Do you think that the more a person suffers here on Earth, the greater their reward will be in Heaven? And...please give scriptures to back your view :)

It's just something I've been thinking about.

The Resident Writer dijo...

Thanks for the question, Cherie. I do believe that those who suffer most on earth will have greater rewards in Heaven. Mt. 6:2-don't do things just to get the praise of men like the hypocrites, FOR THEY HAVE RECIEVED THEIR REWARD IN FULL.
Luke 16:25 "Child, remember that during your lifetime you recieved your good things, and likewise Lazarus had bad things; but now he is being comforted here and you are in agony."
Heb 11-some chose to suffer much in death so that they would gain a GREATER RESURRECTION.

This isn't a theological study, but I hope it helps. If nothing more, your question made me think, and dig around in the Scriptures some.

Cherie dijo...

Thanks Jen. I've recently lost 2 very dear friends from cancer. Both of them died way too young and they went through much suffering. It always seemed so unfair to me. I've never really experienced many trials until this last year and a half and even this seems very trivial compared to what others have to go through. It's nice to think that my dear friends are being rewarded even now.

Cherie dijo...

I didn't really mean that my friends died "too young". They actually died exactly when God wanted them to. His will and timing is perfect.

(I just wanted to make my last comment clear).