martes, julio 03, 2012

Friendship Stories #3, Our Band Family

The summer that Mr. M asked me to marry him, I went to our church's camp for grade school kids. (I was a counselor, not one of the grade school kids.) Polly was also a counselor. Polly Wog and I were near the same age, so we became fast friends. 17 years later, Polly is married to a man who teaches math at my alma mater. He is in a band with some of our closest friends, and as Mr. M is a drummer and sound engineer, we are frequently-pleasantly-thrown together. The band's drummer, Jimmy, went to music school with Mr. M almost 20 years ago, and he shared the Gospel with Mr. M and led him to the Lord. Jimmy and his wife were at our wedding 16 years ago. Another guy in the band is a friend of mine from the high school youth group (so is his wife), and he now works with Mr. M, and I graduated high school with one of the other band guys. So it is like a family reunion whenever we all get together.

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