domingo, marzo 31, 2013

Easter With Family

Mr. M and I have always, since the first days of our marriage, had the privilege of having the undisputed party house for movies. In the first years, we hosted our friends, young people like us in their 20s. Since we started working with the college kids a few years ago, our usual guests are high-spirited students. Tonight, we hosted a group of younger, professional friends. Mr. M and I met up with the group for dinner, and then we all drove across town for frozen yogurt. ("Fro-yo", as the kids-and young professionals-say.) When the fro-yo place ended up being closed, we had to decide on a plan B. The plan B was to watch a movie at our house. It was a great night with much laughter and a few tears. I counted a total of 12 people. The night made me feel young again and reminded me of why we bought such a big couch, and brought back a lot of good memories. Our church had no Sunday evening service so that we could spend Easter with our families, and that's exactly what we did.

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