martes, abril 02, 2013

Dream a Little Dream of Me.

I had a detailed dream about walking someone's dog last night. After I got their dog leashed up, I had to walk through the living room, where the entire family was gathered for a movie, to get outside. I walked the dog a short distance and came back in through a side door. When I opened the door, I was in the church offices. I had gotten sick, so I only walked the dog a block, and I was desperately searching for a piece of scratch paper to let the owner know that he shouldn't pay me. I searched in vain through a bunch of offices. On one desk, I saw a typed reminder to help move a piano for Persnicketta. Finally, I found My Younger Mexican Counterpart at her desk, and asked if she had any scratch paper. I was shocked to find that she had none; everything was digital. And just like that, with no resolution or closure, the dream came to an abrupt end.

2 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...


The Resident Writer dijo...

Thanks for that most profound combination of a colon, a dash, and a capital D! It means the world to me, really!