martes, julio 30, 2013

A Call to Prayer

As Christians, we are blessed with freedom of speech; we also know that we are called to be peacemakers. We know we have freedoms and rights, both political and religious, but having them doesn't always mean we should use them. We reject what is merely good in favor of what is best. Just because we can do something doesn't mean we should. I have the right to share my beliefs, but it is sometimes best for me to keep them to myself. (I don't deny my beliefs, I just don't need to parade them around. If someone asks me, I'm glad to tell them what I believe on any given subject.) I don't see what good can come from parading controversial beliefs around. I do see what good can come from this: praying for our leaders. We are called to live quiet and peaceable lives. We must pray for our government to uphold the laws that will allow us to do that. (1 Tim. 2:2.) We cannot do this too much. We must pray. We must live in peace and quiet and pray for a government and society that makes that possible. We must limit our speech to that which is necessary and beneficial. With much prayer and seeking God's guidance, we must look for and do the best, not contenting ourselves with that which is merely allowed or acceptable. We must remember that not everything that is allowed is beneficial. (1 Cor.6:12.) Let us make this day a day of prayer for our leaders and for the laws they make and amend, and let us live this day in peace, enjoying the quiet blessings God has lavished upon us.

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