martes, agosto 27, 2013

I'd like to think my house would be this cute if I were single. It's fun (even if entirely unprofitable) to wonder what if everything was different. God has put us in our unique circumstances for His perfect purposes, and I would not wish it any other way, but it is fun to think hypothetically. Would my house be this cute? I'd certainly want it to be, but this cuteness comes at a price, and I'm fairly certain I wouldn't have a penny to my name if I were single. Have you ever considered, really thought about and meditated on, your life? It isn't only when something terrible and unexpected happens that Romans 8:28 is true. All the circumstances of our lives-marriage, singleness, motherhood, our career paths-all are directed by God. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: nothing is an accident. When I read a Jane Austen novel and think, "Man! I was born in the wrong place and time", I think of Acts 17:26, where we are assured that God hand-picked the city and the times wherein we would live. He orchestrates even the most mundane details of our lives. Will my friend come over for coffee tonight? God knows. Not only does He know, but He's planned the evening? Would I live in a cute house if I were single? Who knows? God might have sent me to Mexico as a missionary if I were single. This I do know: I know who I am and what I have, and I am thankful for all of it.

2 comentarios:

Unknown dijo...

That is the cutest room!

The Resident Writer dijo...

It was in an Anthropologie store.