miércoles, julio 23, 2014

Making Your Money Work For YOU.

I've been studying the parable of the talents in Matt. 25:14-30.  Apparently, we all have different talents, in different measure, but we all have the same marching orders from Jesus:  "Put your talents (money, abilities and time) to use.  Don't let them just lay idle."  I think I have pinpointed where my abilities lay, and I have a plan to use my money and time to increase these talents entrusted to me temporarily by Jesus.  This-identifying our talents and formulating a plan to increase and multiply them-takes time and energy (and money), but we are commanded to do it, and it comes with a reward.  Where does your talent lie?  How can you use your abilities and your money in such a way that you increase them and earn a return?  Take time to evaluate this for yourself, and even ask your spouse or friends if you need help.  Then you can look forward to pleasing your Heavenly Master.

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