sábado, diciembre 30, 2017

The Dumbest Thing I did This Year . . .

I know there is still one day left in the year.  I'm banking on the fact that I won't do anything tomorrow that even comes close to being as dumb as what I did today.  (You can't get in too much trouble on a Sunday, anyway, right?)   Today, I looked at cookbooks.  It was a warm and lovely day, so Mr. M and I went for a drive to a neighboring county.  We stopped at an outdoor cafe and had lunch, and then went meandering through a bookstore.  While he did his browsing, I did my own browsing, and I ended up looking at all the cookbooks.  Actually, not all the cookbooks, just the cookbooks for slow cookers.  (Not books for cooks who are lacking in mental acuity, but books of recipes written especially for Crock Pots, commonly known as slow cookers.)  I was so intimidated!  There are so many recipes, and they all seem to have 500 ingredients!  I left the store feeling defeated.  I do take some comfort in the fact that two other women were looking at books for slow cookers, and they both said they felt intimidated.  I also take some comfort in the fact that my slow cooker is out of the box and ready to be used.  At least that shows intent, which is half the battle.  (Maybe.)  I suppose I just need to dive in and use the thing-maybe to heat some canned soup, just so I can have some slow cooking experience, and then I can move on to bigger things.

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