viernes, enero 04, 2019

A Big Dream for 2019

Mr. M and I have a big dream for 2019.  It is our goal, our consuming desire for the year.  It will be our main focus.  This focus doesn't mean God is in the back seat; our goal, we believe, is an extension of Himself . . . of who He is and what He wants for us.  We are so blessed to have family and friends and neighbors who are supportive of us in our efforts to make this dream our reality.  We are doubly blessed because many of these supportive friends and family also share our faith in God, and acknowledge His sovereignty over all things . . . including our dreams, which may or may not turn into reality despite whatever efforts we may make.  We can only rely on faith, which is, according to Heb. 11:1, "the assurance and certainty of things unseen."  This is an extremely delicate balancing act, as I have to keep in mind that God's will will prevail, and that may mean that this dream may never be our reality.  However, I must hope.  Yet I need to guard my heart, and remind myself that others have pursued this same dream and have had only heartbreak.  Then again, I must think on that which is true, and that is that this same dream has come true for many people-some of whom I know.  And so it goes . . . a cycle of truth and faith and hope.  My head has no idea where to land, and my heart is just along for the ride.  I can only smile at the future, and trust in the God I know.

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