lunes, mayo 06, 2019

Seis-o de mayo reading

Lately I've been reading a lot . . . A LOT! . . . about babies and motherhood and marriage.  Today, I was reading a portion of one of my books that referred to Matt. 25, the parable of the talents.  God has given us all different gifts, and He wants that we should use them and increase them; not sit on them in fear lest we lose them.  This is one of the reasons I want to adopt.  God has given me a great husband who is a great and gentle leader and provider.  We live in a home that is more than adequate for the two of us, I don't have to work myself, so I have time to be at home and take care of things here.  I do not want to keep these things to myself.  I do not want to hide them out of fear.  I want to take what God's given me, and use it for the good of another, and for the good of God's glory.  I pray His kingdom would come to earth, so why not make that happen in my home when it is in my power to do so?

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