martes, mayo 07, 2019

Down to the Wire: an adoption update

Well, the birth mom thinks she's due tomorrow.  Jay and I had decided to do an embryo adoption, when the lawyer called me out of the blue to say a woman in Seattle is due very soon and she wants us to adopt her baby.  Needless to say, our plans did a one-eighty.  We completely changed course, and pursued this opportunity full steam ahead.  Now all there is, is to wait for the phone call saying she's in labor and we need to get to the hospital post haste.  Until then . . . we have a house in complete disarray, and I have an appt. with my neurologist this afternoon.  Since we were planning on embryo adoption, I had weaned myself off one of the medications I use, and that didn't work out so well.  Now that it looks like embryo adoption may be out of the picture, I have gone back on all my meds so that I can be feeling my best when we (hopefully) go to Seattle to get the baby.
Tomorrow morning, we have new carpet being installed in our bedroom.  We also have a huge shipment of Ikea furniture coming tomorrow.  If we have to go to Seattle tomorrow, we will have to scramble to find someone to deal with all the furniture they will leave on our driveway.
I guess when things are crazy and chaotic, the best thing to do is make them even crazier and more chaotic.  Our house is in shambles, might as well throw a newborn baby into the mix!  These are exciting times, exhilarating, and definitely adventurous!

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