jueves, junio 06, 2019

Hidden Things

This adoption journey has been one filled with prayer.  There were many, many people and parables and promises that I meditated on as I prayed and waited, and I will share just one today.  I went before the Lord so often that I thought of the persistent widow of Luke 18:2-8 who daily brought her case before the judge and begged for justice.  I wasn't pleading so much for justice as I was for mercy.  It was a good thing I wanted, and I wanted it for God's glory.  So many married women have babies that it seemed like justice that I should be able to have that blessing, too.  And what about God's promise to give all good things to those who walk in integrity?  I was praying and pleading daily, and yet no answer was in sight.  Then, very suddenly, God blessed me and Mr. M. with a healthy baby boy.  Now, the waiting was hard and confusing, and God won't always bless even the most persistent prayer or the person most full of integrity.  I know many Godly people who want good things so badly-wives, husbands, babies, jobs, promotions, ministry opportunities.  These people might pray and plead daily, and walk uprightly in all their ways, and still not see the answer to their prayers.  I don't understand it at all; I can only sympathize and grieve with them.  I will not pretend to have all the answers.  All I can do is remember that even in the womb, God decided He loved Jacob and hated Esau.  Why?  I have no idea.  All I know is that God is God, and we are the people of His pasture.  He does what He will with and for us, and sometimes His ways are completely hidden.  It is not for us to ask God why He does such and such with our lives; it is for us to lovingly submit to His will, and to give Him thanks and praise when we do see our prayers answered.

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