domingo, diciembre 29, 2019

Costco is Sabotaging my Life!

We have a baby now, so we need a lot more room.  The baby needs room for his crib, his changing table, his clothes, his food, his toys.  We have to make room in the house for his high chair, his special baby food and baby plates, cups, bowls, and silverware.  We also need room for his carrier, stroller, and diaper bag.  So, Mr. M and I are taking his Christmas break to make-or find or create-room.  Unfortunately, our house doesn't expand, so we are throwing out a lot and giving things away to buy a little space for our baby and all his stuff.  Mr. M went to Costco to buy some baby things we need, and also some household staples.  We're getting rid of unnecessary boxes and packaging materials as fast as we can.  Things were going pretty well space-wise until Mr. M went to Costco.  We needed a box of Ziplocks, but we had to buy a pack of 4.  I don't know how long it will take us to use that many, but in the meantime, we have to find room for them.  That means taking some room from the baby stuff and using it to store household stuff.  It seems like our home has turned into a Tetris game.  It is like a soccer game with 2 balls, and the goal is Goodwill; better yet, our home is like an air hockey table where an extra puck is thrown on the table as soon as one puck disappears.

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