martes, marzo 27, 2012

The M Manor House

I have just started reading Death Comes to Pemberley. The Pemberley manor is described as having a place in the social life of the neighborhood. I think our modest cottage has the same. We also host a number of dinners for groups of college kids, and movie nights. We also differ in many ways from an English manor house in that we don't have servants or horses or silver serving trays. We don't go hunting or shooting on our property, and our house isn't made of brick or cinderblock. (It cuts down on the cost of heating that way.) We do have a library (actually, a bookshelf) with selected works. The lack of bookshelf space forces us to get rid of lesser quality works so that all that remains is the very best in literature. In all, I would say that our M Mini-manor plays a significant role in the social life of our 'hood.

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