miércoles, julio 17, 2013

Let Your Light Shine

It is a beautiful morning here in the desert-fresh, cool breeze, birds singing joyfully; I have a peaceful, easy feeling in my heart. This may seem odd, my peaceful, easy feeling, given that I've made it clear that I believe America is headed toward some really hard times. I believe that because America has chosen to abandon God in our politics and educational system and our courts, God has in turn abandoned America. However, the Bible contains countless promises of God's continuing presence in the lives of His people regardless of the national or political climate. Regarding America (which I love despite my disappointment), this refrain keeps running through my head: "How the mighty have fallen!" (2 Samuel 1:19,25.) Whatever the future holds, God will always be with His people, just as He was with Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego and Daniel in the fire, and He will protect His elect just as He protected Daniel in the lion's den.

The precarious state we find ourselves in is a blessing, if you ask me. Our government has pulled back the curtain to reveal the true heart of America-the ugliness, depravity and selfishness that have been hidden for so long. There is no more pretty facade. The white washed tomb of the country has been exposed for what it is-a tomb full of rotting corpses and dead mens bones. We are no longer pretending to be a God-fearing nation. As it was in the days of Judges, so I think it can be said of America: "Everyone did what was right in their own eyes." (Judges 17:6.) It is now more important than ever for individual Christians to stand firm against the popular morality and the dictates of culture and let our light shine. The responsibility to let the light of God within us shine for all the world to see rests solely with the individual believer. With God's help, this light will never be extinguished.

3 comentarios:

IB Dubbya dijo...
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IB Dubbya dijo...

I concur, wholeheartedly! And, I say both "Maranatha" and perfect your elect in this land, LORD Jesus.

Jessica's Little Women dijo...

And in the fiercest persecution, the church flourishes and the gospel goes forth.