domingo, julio 21, 2019

Me Time

I had a good chunk of time and a good chunk of enough energy to read several chapters of this book last night.  One chapter dealt with the idea of "me time" for moms.  I really liked what the author had to say about it.  She basically pooh-poohed the whole idea of finding your "essential self" (the main purpose of me time) as something that doesn't exist.  The "essential self" is the "real" you, the you you were before you were married or had kids.  The real you is, in actuality, you.  The real you changes.  There was a single you, and when you get married, the real you is married, and when you have kids, the real you is a mother and a wife.  The book's author advises, then, that if you want some "me time" to find your "essential self", you should make a date with your husband or spend time with your kids.  The real you changes as your life changes. 

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